1. Keep on Top
Click the "Keep on Top" button to keep The ToolBox on top of all windows. Click it again to turn this off.
You can find more information here about the file menu.
Export Database
The ToolBox Settings will be saved to your local drive as a .db file.
This includes the following:
- Favorite Tabs
- Categories
- Tags
- Brush Descriptions
- Brush Types
- Favorite Toggles
- Brush Locations
- Alpha Locations
- UI Layout Locations
- Current Color Scheme
Import Database
Any exported .db file can be imported here.
This will close the ToolBox
Rescan All
Rescan all will force the plugin to rescan all brushes and alphas.
This is useful if any brushes or alphas are changed outside of the ToolBox without reloading the ToolBox.
This will open the settings menu.
Here you can find information about XMD & The EULA.
This window shows the latest updates for the ToolBox.
Here you can also see the latest Brush Updates.
Online Help
This will take you to the always up-to-date online help guide.
XMD Info
The XMD Info link will take you to www.michaeldunnam.com
3. Mini Mode
Mini mode will collapse the entire UI to one strip of favorites.
4. Expand / Collapse
This button will expand and collapse the main window down to 2 favorite columns.
5. User Categories
User categories are a great way of organizing your brushes and alphas.
6. Search
With the search dialog, you can search all of your brushes and alphas.
7. XMD Categories
In the XMD Categories dropdown you can find every XMD set you own.
The categories can be turned off in the settings menu.
8. Expand / Collapse the Quick Edit
With this button you can expand or collapse the quick edit menu.
9. Rescan / Edit
- You can rescan an individual brush.
- In the edit window you can edit a brush.
- For now this will just give you more realestate to work on a brush's description.
- More information will be available in the area soon.
10. Brush Title
Here you can see the title of the selected brush in the quick edit menu.
This dropdown will show any toggle buttons that are cut off by your monitor's resolution.
There are toggle buttons in the brush window and the alpha window. These act as filters.
13. Alpha / Brush / UI Layouts
These buttons switch between the alpha window, the brush window and allow you to choose a UI Layout.
14. Reset All Brushes
This button is the same brush that is in ZBrush. It is non-destuctive. See more details here.
15. Connection Status
This shows the connection status of the plugin with ZBrush.
16. Favorite Sets
Favorite sets are another way of organizing your brushes.
17. Favorite Toggle
The star icon will add or remove a brush from the selected favorite set.
18. Description
Here you can add a detailed description for any brush or alpha.
- Tags are yet another way of organizing your brushes.
- Every brush can have multiple tags.