Interface Overview

Interface Overview

1. Keep on Top

Click the "Keep on Top" button to keep The ToolBox on top of all windows. Click it again to turn this off.

2. Mini Mode

Mini mode will collapse the entire UI to one strip of favorites.

3. Brush Panel

The brush panel will show you every brush you have loaded into the ToolBox along with ZBrush’s default ones.

4. Alpha Panel

The alpha panel will show you every alpha you have loaded into the ToolBox along with ZBrush’s default ones.

5. Texture Panel

The texture panel will show you every texture you have loaded into the ToolBox along with ZBrush’s default ones.

6. Material Panel

The material panel will show you every material you have loaded into the ToolBox along with ZBrush’s default ones.

7. Fiber Panel

The fiber panel will show you every fiber you have loaded into the ToolBox along with ZBrush’s default ones.

8. Tools Panel

The tools panel will show you every tool you have loaded into the ToolBox along with ZBrush’s default ones.

9. Lights Panel

The lights panel will show you every light you have loaded into the ToolBox (ZBrush has no default ones)

10. Projects Panel

The projects panel will show you every project you have loaded into the ToolBox along with ZBrush’s default ones.

11. XMD Academy

This is a link to XMDAcademy.com. Which is an amazing resource for learning!

12. Options

The options button will toggle the options window.

12.1. Settings

Settings will take you to the settings window where you can set your settings


12.2. Support

Here you can submit a support ticket

12.3. About

Learn all about XMD and the creators here and read the EULA

13. Library

Here you can be connected with XMDSource and download brushes and other assets straight into the ToolBox!

14. Updates

14.1. Version

You can see your ToolBox version number

14.2. Options

Here you can update the ToolBox and read release notes

You can also set the ToolBox to autoupdate or not.


15. Buy us Coffee

Edric and Michael work tirelessly on the ToolBox. We have spent many years working on the ToolBox to make the ZBrush world a better place. We also love coffee

16. Search Bar

       With the search dialog, you can search any asset

17. Collapse Panel

This button will expand and collapse the main window down

18. General

The general tab is where you control your ZBrush UIs and Macros

19. Properties

The properties Panel is where you

20. Zbrush Connection Status

This shows the connection status of the plugin with ZBrush.

21. Collapse General/Properties

With this button you can expand or collapse the General/Properties Panels

22. ZBrush UI Panel


Here you can change your ZBrush UI color and Layout

23. Macros Panel


You can double click to load a Macro into ZBrush

You can manage these in the settings menu

24. Favorite Star

The star icon will add or remove a brush or other asset to/from the selected favorite set.

25. Icons

All of your asset icons will be displayed here.

26. Favorites Sets

Favorite sets are another way of organizing your ZBrush assets.

This gives you quick access to your most common assets.

27. Collapse Favorites

This will collapse the favorites panel

28. Change Icon Size

An exciting new feature!

You can change the Icon size.

28.1. Details View

Details view works just like it does in Microsoft Windows.
It will show you various properties of the assets.



28.2. Large Icons


28.3. Medium Icons


28.4. Small Icons


29. Filter Menu

The filter menu is different for each asset. It gives you a quick way to filter out assets.



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