You can set the Icon Size
Detail View
This will filter the alphas by resolution in pixels.
If the alpha is not square, the largest side will be shown with the appropriate toggle size.
Required for a proper Alpha to work in ZBrush
This will display all alphas regardless of whether or not they have been marked to ignore.
Filter by user category
Filter by tags
This will remove the alpha from the current brush and set it to no alpha.
This is a temporary effect. It will not be saved in the brush settings.
This setting will attempt to restore the current brushes original alpha if it has been changed.
There is a known bug within ZBrush where the brush will lose it's alpha temporarily until the brush is reloaded from the load brush menu.
This button will not fix it in this case.
This is the same button as the brush "alpha button" in ZBrush
Flip the alpha horizontally.
This is a temporary effect.
This does not save in the alpha.
This is the same effects as clicking the "flip horizontally" button inside of ZBrush.
Flip the alpha vertically.
This is a temporary effect.
This does not save in the alpha.
This is the same effects as clicking the "flip vertically" button inside of ZBrush.
This will rotate the alpha
This is a temporary effect.
This does not save in the alpha.
This is the same effects as clicking the "rotate" button inside of ZBrush.
This will invert the alpha.
This is a temporary effect.
This does not save in the alpha.
This is the same effects as clicking the "invert" button inside of ZBrush.
Search the alphas
This will display the name of the selected alpha
Setting this on any alpha image will flag it as a "non-alpha image" and hide it from the main view.
You can display all ignored images by clicking the "ignored" toggle button.
You can add any description to any alpha here.
You can set the user category here.
New categories can also be created here.
Tags can be added here.
An alpha can be assigned or unassigned a tag here as well.
This shows the dimensions of the currently selected brush.
Hover over the alpha to display more information at a glance
Sets the alpha as a favorite in the currently active favorite set.